
Citation - William James Heflin

Lawyer: Heflin, William James
File Number: HE20210023
File Date: Jul 23, 2021
Citation issued: July 23, 2021

William James Heflin

Citations are authorized by the Law Society of BC's Discipline Committee and list allegations against a lawyer that will be considered at a discipline hearing. Please note that allegations in a citation are unproven until a discipline hearing panel has determined their validity.

Nature of conduct to be inquired into:

1.  On or about October 1, 2020, in relation to your client or former client X in a family law matter, you sexually harassed and/or sexually assaulted X, including through unwelcome comments, advances, and physical contact, contrary to one or more of rules 2.2-1 and 6.3-3 of the Code of Professional Conduct for British Columbia and your fiduciary duties.

This conduct constitutes professional misconduct or conduct unbecoming the profession, pursuant to s. 38(4) of the Legal Profession Act.